Your FREE resources for Pupil Voice Week
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Primary Secondary
An Introduction to Pupil Voice Week
Watch a short message from tootoot's CEO Michael Brennan to learn more about Pupil Voice Week, and why we chose the theme "Solving Problems".
Primary Secondary
Poster Pack
Download our free Pupil Voice Week poster pack, which can be printed and displayed around your school to raise confidence in speaking up.
Primary Secondary
Download your Certificate!
Download and display your certificate so that you can proudly show that you participated in 2022's Pupil Voice Week.
Primary Secondary
Social Media
Be sure to share your activities with us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram by using #PupilVoiceWeek
Primary Secondary
Social Media Graphics
Download our free Pupil Voice Week graphics and let your followers know that you're exploring the impact of 'Using our voices'.
Primary secondary
Give your students a voice with tootoot
Hear more about how we can give your pupils a voice and support safeguarding in your school, book your free 15 minute demo today and hear about our award-winning pupil voice app!
Assembly - Primary
Discuss with pupils the importance of using our voices to help solve our problems
Assembly - Secondary
Discuss with pupils how we can overcome challenges and solve our problems by talking and using our voice
primary secondary
Activity - River Crossing
Get into pairs and see how quickly you can solve the problem of the 'River Crossing'!
Primary secondary
Activity - Pupil Voice Week Speech Bubble!
You can use your voice to solve problems, provide support, ask for help and a whole lot more. How do you like to use your voice?
Activity - Breaking Down Problems
Problems can seem a lot less scary when you break them down into smaller pieces to deal with. This can also help identify a solution.
Activity - Exploring Solutions
There is often more than one solution to a problem. This activity encourages pupils to discuss multiple solutions and decide which one is best.
Primary secondary
Assembly video for tootoot schools
Watch a short message from tootoot CEO & Co-Founder Michael Brennan about the importance of speaking-up and the personal experience that drove him to create tootoot.
Back to School Assembly - Achievements (Primary)
Learn about acheivements: Setting targets and going for goals!
Back to School Assembly - Achievements (Secondary)
Learn about the three A's of success: Aspiration; Ambition and Achievement!
Primary secondary
Vote for Schools - Resources and Exclusive Offer
Get some free debate resources and get a special 10% discount on a VoteforSchools subscription.
Friendship Flower Campaign
Just like flowers, friendships need time, attention and lots of TLC in order to grow. Both friendships and flower growing can bring us immense happiness, but can also be challenging at times. Growing flowers can be a great way to encourage these conversations with children and young people, and to get them thinking about the positive attributes we all need from our friends. In terms of the theme for Pupil Voice Week, it’s about learning to overcome friendship problems in a really proactive, positive way.
Looking back on previous Pupil Voice Weeks

We started Pupil Voice Week back in 2016 with some amazing partners and resources for schools around the world. They were so good we knew it would be a shame to lose them as we evolve and grow each year, which is why we archive the resources from previous years, meaning you can still benefit from them even if you've just joined us this year.